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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Maths meets the Fun Theory

Here are the details for what promises to be a superb Maths session. If you are going to apply, make sure you read the following carefully. 

Stage 1: Design
This session is available to everyone in Sixth Grade, Form I and II
You need to organise a group of 3 - 4. Collect a proforma from DF NR or PE
Choose a doorway Plan Verde
Design and create a simple product that will change people’s behavior. You should watch the following video clips, visit The Fun Theory then sit down, plan, draft, and hand in your completed proforma by the end of school on Monday

Stage 2: Quality control
Present your pitch proformas to DF NR and PE
The best pitches will be chosen for Stage 3, The Dragon’s Den. You will then be given the Mathematical criteria on which to based you business plan.

Stage 3: Presentation

The selected groups will be given the Mathematical criteria that they need to apply to create a business case for their product
The Dragons (Mr Bhoja, Mr Abbott and Miss McGregor) will then judge the best product 

Let's see what you've got!