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Monday 18 November 2013

English │ MAAT session – Multi-media journalism

To build journalistic skills by writing a multi-media blog entry (800-1000 words, images, edited video clips) that covers one school event.

Each of the four groups will contain an editor, a sub-editor, a video reporter, a photo journalist, a head writer and two field reporters.

The final article will be an article published on the MAAT blog and must consist of 800-1000 words, including images and edited video clips. It should look something like this one on The Trade Game, only better! The school event covered will be the Science MAAT projects. Each ‘English’ group will cover one ‘Science’ group. 

Each group will contain 7 students:

An owner: the teacher in charge of your group. They are looking for a quality final article that makes them look good.

An editor: organization skills, controls the tone of the article, organizes the various multi-media strands into one coherent body. Responsibilities: organise the group; ensure all deadlines are met.  

A sub-editor: proof-reading, fact checking, assisting the editor in organizing the logistics of the group. Responsibilities: support the editor; check the accuracy of the final article with the writer.  

A video journalist: organize all the logistics regarding video journalism from charging batteries to transferring, editing and uploading video footage to YouTube. To record two interviews, one live report, stock footage.  Responsibilities: uploading quality, edited clips of footage to the MAAT YouTube site by the end of the day for your editor.

A photojournalist: someone who can capture excellent still photos that tell the story of the lecture – from the main people involved to the crowd reactions. Responsibilities:  photography coverage of the day’s events. Provide 8-10 selected images on a USB for the editor by the end of the day.

A reporter (1[*]): research the topic, the group and interview the main sources.
get quality quotes from participants, organisers and spectators.
A reporter (2): research the topic, the group and interview the main sources.
get quality quotes from participants, organisers and spectators.

A head writer: the main writer. Responsibilities: responsible for writing the overall article.

[*] One of the reporters should be the ‘presenter’ for the live video clip.