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Thursday 5 September 2013

Portrait Pitches

In the comments section below, please write your 100 word pitch. This must include who your subject is, the setting, the style you will choose ('LaChappele', 'Hockney' or 'Bown') and your intentions or purpose.

The deadline is Tuesday 10th at 1300.

Example pitch as follows:

Group names: Dougal Fergusson, Ned Riley, Wim Bouden
Who: Mr Leigh Halford
How and what: An environmental portrait in the exaggerated LaChapelle style. Our intention is to portray Mr Halford as a 'mad scientist', but also to capture how much preparation he puts into his lessons in order to make them exciting, engaging and dynamic.
Where and when: In the Science depository, surrounded by Sciencey stuff, in a lab coat. Messy, fun, spontaneous style.
Yes, Mr Halford has agreed to be my subject.


  1. Hi Mr.Fergusson, this is our pitch for the portrait:

    Group names: Deewena Parija, Lucia Bustamante, Mora Endruhn
    Who: Mr. Adrew Cino
    How and what: A full-body Jane Bown style photograph, posibly set either in Mr.Cino's office or in the kindergarden playground. Our intention is to portray how a job does not define a person, showing him with a professional background, but being the complete opposite to it. The picture will have a humorous and childish tone, where Mr.Cino will be portrayed as a childish man with a serious job. One of the ideas we have for a picture is him making paper planes out of important documents, or sliding down the slide from the kindergarden playground.
    We have not asked Mr.Cino for permission yet, but we hope he will give us permission.

    This is a basic idea of what we want to do, we may change it in the future but it is headed that way.


  2. Group names: Olive Ash, Johana Tello, Mateo Herrera
    Who: Miss Mariaclelia
    How and What: We are going take a photo of Miss Mariaclelia with a light effect and lots of color that can attract people’s attention, she will be like the “mean teacher” that sometimes gets annoyed by her students and will not control herself. The picture will have a humorous.
    Where and What: It’s going to be by the form 1 Spanish classes se will have book to show how she put efforts in her classes but sometimes get frustrated
    Yes, Miss Mariaclelia has agrees to be our subject.

  3. Group names: Amelia Liza, Briana Velásquez, Mateo Gutierrez
    Who: Mr.Goodman
    How and what: A head to shoulder shot showing his face expression and the use of lighting. We chose a classic style in black and white. Mr. Goodman is always seen as the jolly, funny man that he is, but we wanted to show people that not everything is what it seems like. We want to present Mr. Goodman as an evil and cruel teacher.
    Where and when: In an english classroom in front of a black board which has writing all over it. Since classrooms are used during the day, we will probably shoot after classes.
    No, we haven´t been able to ask Mr. Goodman for permission, but we hope he agrees.

    -Amelia Liza, and Briana Velásquez

  4. Who: Mr.Goodman
    How and what: A head to shoulder shot showing his face expression and the use of lighting. We chose a classic style in black and white. Mr. Goodman is always seen as the jolly, funny man that he is, but we wanted to show people that not everything is what it seems like. We want to present Mr. Goodman as an evil and cruel teacher.
    Where and when: In an English classroom in front of a black board which has writing all over it. Since classrooms are used during the day, we will probably shoot after classes.
    No, we haven´t been able to ask Mr. Goodman for permission, but we hope he agrees.

    -Amelia Liza, and Briana Velásquez

  5. Group Names: Francisco Daneliuc, Jaime Loiza, Ryu Ishizawa
    Who: Ms. Blanca Vasquez
    How and What: A full body portrait of Ms. Blanca, standing in the middle of a corridor/ road/ hallway, alone. This picture will be taken in the exaggerated LaChapelle style. Our intention is to show how frustrated Ms. Blanca is when students don't listen to her. By making her stand alone and possibly disturbing, we intend to show what most students can't see of her during the lesson. Most colour saturation and changes will be done digitally. Ms. Blanca has accepted to use her as the subject of our picture(s).

  6. Group names: Alessia Flores, Valeria Hildebrandt and Haoyun Hu.

    Who: Miss Tachi from LOWER.

    How and what: We want to represent Miss Tachi as a funny and joyful teacher while her class is dark and sad(this will be a sreen), so there would be a lot of contrast.She will be wearing a wig, funny glasses and her normal clothes since the style we chose is classic andit is a shoot from shoulder to head.

    Where: In a classroom.

    No, we haven´t asked for her permission yet, but we hope she agrees with us to be our subject.

  7. Group names:Daniel Chan, Francisco Pertuz, Marco Caipo

    Who:Miss Hilda

    How and what:We are going to take a photograph of Miss Hilda using La Cappelle style.We are trying to communicate you like a message, like a lot of people see Miss Hilda as a serious teacher but we are trying to capture her kindness side.

    Where:At science surrounded by people.She might be sharing candies to younger people

  8. We have chosen to take a photo of Mr. Ludeña, the popular "Pepe" of the men's locker rooms.
    He is a hard working, very charismatic and nice man who is always there to help you in what he can.
    For the background we have chosen the lake because is a very charismatic place like Mr. Pepe and we are going to play with the contrast for our technique. Our group is Alberto Coya, Daniel Guinea, Chiara Uccelli, Luciana Medina

  9. Group Names: Me (Santiago Romero)
    Who: Flavio (the school gardener)
    How, where and why: i will take the photo in the classical black and white style with falvio standing in the center of a garden with people passing there with any idea that Flavio is there. I want to communicate that the gardeners are also very important in the school community because they keep gardens in a good look and that makes the school more beautifull.

    I havent asked Flavios permission yet but i think that he will agree
    Santiago Romero

  10. Group Names: Me (Santiago Romero)
    Who: Flavio (the school gardener)
    How, where and why: i will take the photo in the classical black and white style with falvio standing in the center of a garden with people passing there with any idea that Flavio is there. I want to communicate that the gardeners are also very important in the school community because they keep gardens in a good look and that makes the school more beautifull.

    I havent asked Flavios permission yet but i think that he will agree
    Santiago Romero

  11. Group names: Stefan Tschudi, Chenyi Jhon and Brenda Li
    Who: Miss Cori
    How and what: A full body portrait with the classic black and white style. Our intention in this portrait is to show miss Cori as a teacher that enjoys doing sports and being perseverant to acomplish her goal.
    Where and when: In the football field, behind the arc and with footballs all over the field.
    Yes, miss Cori has agreed to be our subject.
