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Thursday 11 July 2013

The Dragons - Mr Leigh Halford

Leigh Halford
Since birth he has tried to touch the sky. Perseverance is everything,
remember if you aim low you never miss, but if you aim for the moon
and miss you still get to burn up in the atmosphere, making a rather
pleasant fireworks display for your friends and family… and people who hate you as well.
Background Engineer, teacher, visionary, hero.
The road to success Graduated with honours from the University of Hard Knocks.
Relevant experience as a Dragon
Once designed and marketed an invention to remove splinters from the feet of Durrell’s Vontsira, a marsh dwelling carnivore found around Lake Alaotra in Madagascar. Amongst others.
Name: Leigh Halford
Born: Centre of the known universe, AKA Evesham
Family: Yes
Hobbies: Making scale models of famous buildings out of toenail clippings
Describe yourself in three words: Magnificent,
perspicacious, sesquipedalian 
Estimated wealth: Loads-a-moneeey
The one thing I look for in entrepreneurs  For me it is important that they have all their own limbs. If they have to be missing one, nothing more than a toe… oh and ideas.
Worst job I've had: Working in an abattoir
Favourite film/play: Spice World… A classic depiction of the cut and thrust of corporate politics in the late 1990s.
Favourite holiday destination: Big cities
Favourite sport, team and player: Conkers, Ray Kellock 2010 World Champion… A true inspiration for all conkerers around the world
Things that interest me in a business idea: Does the idea identify a problem? Does it solve the problem? This is what I look for in a design.
Leigh’s pitch advice
For impressing in a pitch Design should be clean and efficient. If your design makes the task more complicated then it is a bad design. Remember an elegant solution is always the better option. 

1 comment:

  1. What a complete dick. Was a dick at Sir John Hunt CC and still is one.
